Gosh.. You'd think all I'm getting paid to do at work is sit and fart around on my blog... cough
as opposed to farting around on the internet looking for tree facts.
Ran into this when I was on the LA Times Website...
Is Transformers 2 Racist?? I mean... I agree with the "Little Black Sambots" and the "ENTIRE female gender" thing, that was pretty ridiculous I must say. Call me a Feminist but come on... that entire movie was basically a tribute to Megan Fox showing off her ass and making her trademark Acting Faces. (For Instance - "I am Acting Very Sad Right Now" or "I am Acting Very Angry Right Now" or "I am Full of Heart-Rendering Emotion Right Now" or "I am Acting Please Fuck Me Right Now" faces). And... there were those two robots who were the Black robots with monkey faces, gold teeth, illiteracy and bad grammar who basically beat each other up and called each other names the whole time and acted stoned (if robots could get stoned). The only thing that was missing from that fun little stereotype was them wearing baggy pants and calling each other nigga. Although if the producers could have used that word I'm sure they would.
I keep forgetting that it's ACTUALLY 1962 in America still. Sheesh. I mean come on, we can't have those got-dang commie Cubans trying to convert our fine, upstanding citizens, or even worse, gasp! inhabit our fine United States.