Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sho confused, sho many questions.  Sometimes I have no idea who I even am anymore - have I become more real or have I become more of a farce? Am I more likable when I have lower self-esteem? Or do I never stop having low self-esteem? Am I an artist now? Am I more grown-up than I was when I was 18? Or will I forever be the person standing over the stove eating spaghetti straight out of the pot? will I be a big 15-year old forever? fuck.

I realize this may make me sound like a weirdo/stoner but sometimes when I get stressed to the point of no return, I have to stop and look around and remind myself that we're all nothing but simple organisms who have convinced ourselves that we're complex and important or that our lives mean anything. Humans invented God because they're scared that their lives mean nothing and that they will someday be alone in the world. Nothing is forever, everything we think is forever is only temporary, we hold our noses, sink underwater and tunnel our vision to make it through each day, we rarely ever come up for air. Everything we believe in and act upon was made up by other simple organisms and we just play into it because it's all we ever knew and we're just mindless rule-followers.  Most speech is meaningless chatter and most thoughts are even more meaningless chatter, because thoughts don't exist to other people unless they're written down or spoken.


Maybe i should just sleep more, then I won't keep having existential crises.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

found this from my old xanga profile:

Hey. I'm Mollie. I like green day (duh) and i like system of a down (duh) and i like.. Nutella. I a bunch of other stuff, too.. i just can't remember it all because it's... 1:30 AM. ever forget? it happened to me.

ahahahaaaa. 15-year-old me was sooo dumbbbb and sad. I was reading those letters from celebrities to their 16-year-old selves, and I was thinking about what I would write if i had to do that. (even though probably not enough distance has passed since then-only 5 years - but a world of difference, I hope?) I think it would go something like this: 

Seriously, chill the fuck out. Your mom loves you and wants you to be safe. People like you. The girls you've been obsessing over for too long proooobably don't like you that way because they're straight, but that's not the end of the world. People don't give a shit that you're gay, so stop angsting about it. Really, they don't. Stop being intimidated by those other girls who you think are so much cooler than you - they're really not. You have a lifetime to drink and have sex - It's not as exciting as you build it up to be, and you have a whole lifetime to drink and have sex. Plus, once you reach the legal drinking age, you won't think it's fun anymore. And you'll try pot, and realize that you hate it and that it's not exciting either, just kind of scary. 

And please, please, for the love of god, stop being so emo. 


21 year old self, with a whole NEW bundle of issues to deal with. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Found this in my freshman year files, and couldn't resist sharing it because it's so precious and funny to me: 

I like to draw pretty pictures. Or rather I don’t – all my art turns out creepy, sexual or violent , because I’m secretly a sociopath apparently
And people probably think I’m a big narcissist because three big projects this year have consisted of pictures or drawings of my in my bra. And I showed everyone who walked by the glass case in main my titties practically. I also did this really shitty drawing /painting of wigs that is the dumbest thing I have ever done but Barry thinks It’s the shit.
I made a banana out of a plastic tablecloth. Which was cool. And I made a stupid cardboard thing. And braided chives for a day and accomplished nothing but a shitty installation and an apartment that smells like chives.
In painting class, I did nothing because I am a 5 year old and didn’t like the teacher so didn’t feel like doing work was important because hey, I didn’t have to work in high school, why would I have to now?  Spoiled brat. I did one of my paintings at 3am-5am because I decided once that getting laid was more important than doing my homework.  The rest of them were shitty still lives that had absolutely no relevance to my life in any way – I just had to hammer them out. There were two assignments that I actually enjoyed doing – and those were the FIRST and the LAST. And because of it I got purple oil paint all over my nice white jacket.  And Finklestein didn’t even care, because hey, he was only here for one semester why would he give a fuck?
I’m not even going to talk about elements.
Illustration was fun. I drew thirty pictures of “addiction/overindulgence” and I was proud of them but my teacher shuffled through them like they were a fucking deck of cards. It was time-consuming. Then I drew ten more big ones that were awesome.  

In graphic design I did basically nothing because apparently it comes easy to me. Great. I don’t want to have anything to do with graphic design!

lol. Freshman Aaaaaangst.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I am the very worst.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

a self-proclaimed feminist makes two very un-feminist declarations:

1. I hate armpit hair. No gender is excepted from this. Armpit hair on any person just makes me squirm.

2. I hate body odor. Well, I like mine well enough. But, no matter how hard I try to not be bothered by it, I still find others' strong body odor annoying and offensive.

does that make me not a feminist? I don't think so.... we all have little idiosyncrasies, I guess.

Friday, July 1, 2011

peaceful to rage in under 60 seconds.

It terrifies me that, to a large chunk of our country, intelligence and competence is seen as a bad thing.

That said, politics these days have the uncanny capability of making me go from peaceful to boiling rage in under 10 seconds. I'm sure anyone who's talked politics with me in the last few days can verify this.

I just. can't. even.

When did 'conservative' go from meaning 'conserve the government's cash flow so we can have a healthy economy' to 'conserve my own big heap of money which NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE NAH NAH NAH POOR PEOPLE SCREW ALL YOU GUYS GO GET A JOB YOU LAZY BUMS (also I would like a christian nation where no one is educated so they will believe whatever I tell them and I can also hate on whomever I want without any repercussions)'???????

huh?? When?? These are the times when I curse the two-party system and its ability to cause semi-sane politicians to vote against their own beliefs and interests just to court a certain fringe population. (ahem Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, and countless others ahem)

There are just endless things I could name that can send me into a spiral of rage - but nothing makes me steam out the ears more than the current political clusterfuck over TAXES.

I'm a democrat, for the most part, so I'm a little biased when I speak about this. But I'm trying to come from a logical standpoint, here.

This is how I see it: Capitalism is a system that in order to be fair and/or functional depends on people not being greedy and -at least marginally- sharing their wealth with others or redistributing it back into the economy some way. However, as of now it is seen merely as a tool to manipulate to one's advantage so one can accumulate mass amounts of individual wealth. The whole "individualism" thing is basically an out for people so they have an excuse not to have to worry about or have any regard for others (if you don't have any money, you just must not be motivated enough, right?). The whole 'sharing' or 'redistributing' thing is kind of cast aside as unimportant because it doesn't concern or benefit the "individual"(except in emotional ways but of course, those do not count as 'important' in the capitalist system). And it has been proven time and time again that people ARE greedy and will always BE greedy. It's also been proven that stimulus funding doesn't 100 percent work, either, for this very same reason. Therefore, the system has a major flaw and needs to be reworked. Right?

so apparently, according to 'conservative' republicans, that means we should keep taxing the poor people and giving huge tax cuts to the wealthy people and businesses, in hope that they will feel generous and flow that money back into the economy with jobs. However, presented with the evidence I think we can safely say that doesn't work, because those wealthy individuals and businesses hoard the wealth rather than redistribute it in the economy. So, our rich get richer and our poor get poorer until there's such a massive class divide that the economy just falls apart completely.

The problem is that taxes are getting higher and higher and incomes are getting lower and lower. Why is there less income? Because there are no jobs. Why are there no jobs? Because businesses and people are so much poorer that they cannot afford to pay more than the bare minimum of workers. Why are taxes getting higher? Because the government is piss-poor. Why is everyone so poor? because the top 1% or something of the population is literally hoarding all the money in this country.

Try to tell me that sounds like a well-oiled, functional economic system.

And why in the world do people ferociously defend a system that, while sometimes has them riding high, mostly just ends up kicking them into the proverbial shitter? (sub-prime loan scams, inflation, great depression of the 30s, great depression of the 2000s, housing and stock market crashes, foreclosures, all other depressions in between, massive widespread poverty)

Here's why: the people making the rules aren't the ones really being affected by all this. They're all about 'limiting government spending' and whatnot, but the hidden fine print on that statement is 'limiting government spending...... on things we don't need personally.' If limiting government spending meant investigating and limiting the salaries and personal spending of government officials and corporate C.E.O.s instead of cutting important things like medicare and healthcare, I'll bet my ass they wouldn't be railing so hard for it. It just makes my logic hurt to think that the ones calling the shots in this country about social and financial issues are not the ones who would face the consequences of those decisions (abortion, gay marriage, medicare, etc.) In addition to that, we are taught from the earliest age possible that capitalism is the ONLY system and everything else is bad bad bad bad. We're taught to rely on it and become completely immersed in it - it's kind of similar to an abusive relationship. The system mistreats us but we rely on it and can't see past it.

It just makes me so sad that the system we try to function in will never work because it's based solely on self-interest and greed. I watched a video recently where republican lobbyist Edwina Rogers literally buys sheets of uncut money from the treasury to use as wrapping paper for gifts (ahem, bribes) for senators. It made me want to vomit and cry at the same time.

I shall continue this rant later.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hahaha. Spoken like a true shoe addict. 

Monday, May 30, 2011


I am an Atheist. A true believer in the fact that there is no god and that the bible is an interesting book of fables that may or may not have interesting lessons to teach. There are many things I believe. I believe in evolution. I believe in science. I believe in reality. I believe that my life may not have some kind of grand purpose, but that that's okay. Some people think that the thought of aimlessly meandering through life without a purpose is depressing and even frightening, but I think that we find our own purpose. I may not have been put here on this earth for any reason, but we find our own reasons to live. I believe in equality. I may get bogged down with petty judgments in the grind that is daily life but I know in my heart that I believe in true equality. I believe that believing in god is a huge leap of faith that many are willing to take, and many are not, but we all believe in something. As humans we constantly question our teachings and our surroundings, we constantly evaluate and re-evaluate, and that's what makes us alive. To blindly follow and not question is to not live up to your potential as a human. To be so self-centered as to think that your way of believing is the only right way is to mistake what it really means to believe. Belief should not be a horse blinder blocking out all other points of view. It is a huge, ever changing and transforming force that should bring people together, rather than violently drive them apart with scorn for not following the "rules." Belief should be always adapting, always learning, never stagnant. We all have various events, people and things in our lives that make us who we are, and it is extremely foolish to try to jam all personalities into a one-size-fits-all mold of organized religious values.

So there are many things that I believe, and there are many things that I value, and it just so happens that none of them really have to do with going to heaven or hell or Jesus or whatever reasons religious people may have for justifying their faith. These are my reasons for justifying mine.

It's just, I've heard so many times - mild-mannered christians who wonder - "what do those atheists have against us?? We don't try to force our religion on them. We're not bad people." It's not about condemning every Christian believer, because despite what they want you to believe christianity is not a monolithic front. Personal belief from person to person is a very different thing from the bigoted, tyrannical and downright oppressive actions of the corrupt organized religion whose name they still happily claim. And then they come out with some patronizing statement about how they "feel sorry and sad for atheists," etcetera,  or that atheists "just don't know better." That's another thing I believe: that I don't like to be talked down to and/or patronized.

I wish I could be more eloquent about this. I just. Argh.

huarghgh. Religion. Those petty judgments I was talking about? Sometimes religion just makes my blood boil.

You know what? Maybe one day the heavens will open and Jesus will come and whatnot and take the believers or whatever he is going to do and then I'll stand utterly corrected. Until then, I'm pretty happy as I am.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Teh Googlez

Dr. Google really does make everything better. Don't know what you're talking about? Google it. I can tell you to Google as many things as I want because it's not trademarked as a verb. Google that.

I have noticed my growing reliance on Google in all situations, which comes as an added bonus to having a smartphone addiction, I think.

Don't know how to get to Midtown? Google it (you've been there a thousand times, you should know by now. Also, somehow NO ONE ON THE INTERNET KNOWS THE HOURS.)

Don't know how to tell if a mango is ripe? Google it (It's comparable to feeling out the ripeness of a peach or pear).

Don't know if you should drink alcohol with your specific antibiotic? Google it (You probably shouldn't).

Paranoid about mixing certain cold medicines even though the doctor told you you could? Google it anyway (it's safe to take ibuprophen, acetaphetamines, and suphedrine together as long as each one doesn't have any traces of the other).

Don't know what that little hole in the top of your iPhone is next to the headphone jack? Google it (it's a mic, don't stick any foreign objects in it, for christ's sake).

Don't know whether the Indian shooting the star on a Tootsie-pop wrapper rumor is true or not? Google it (either way, still not sending it in).

Don't know what the sudden change in behavior of your beloved pet is all about? Google it (he's probably sick and/or just messed up).

Don't know what magna cum laude means? Google it (for MICA it's 3.75).

Want to know what Denis Leary looks like outside of Suicide Kings - in which he's totally smokin' by the way? Google it (meh).

Don't know how to spot knockoff headphones? Google it (you should have thought about that before you ordered them).

Wondering what Harold Camping's doing after the failed rapture? Google it (returned no juicy results).

Don't know what a D&C is? Google it (really wish I hadn't).

Wondering when The Guild season 5 comes out? Google it (NOT SOON ENOUGH DAMMIT).

Your iPhone thinks it's connected to a mystery accessory and drives you up the wall by turning itself on every thirty seconds? Goooooooggggggglllleeeeeeee iiiiittttttt.

(you got water in the connector, you dum dum)

see? SO MANY ANSWERS. Answers to everything I could ever want.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I think Christopher Walken is one of the hottest men of all time. Is that weird? He kind of makes me all tingly and stuff.

Friday, May 13, 2011


When I was at Save-A-Lot earlier this semester, I got in line with a couple things behind an elderly black man with a shopping cart full of food. He told me to "go ahead, miss," and waved me ahead of him in line. I hesitated, but accepted because I wasn't sure what to do. As the lady rang me up, I said, "Thank you, you didn't have to do that."

"I don't have to do a lot of things," he said, shaking his head. "Some people privileged, some people ain't. That's how the world works." I shook my head yes, not knowing what to say to that true but uncomfortable statement. I paid for my food, told him to have a nice day and thanked him again, and made my way back to my apartment. This happened a few months ago, but it still pops up in my head and strikes me as particularly poignant.

some people privileged, some people ain't, isn't that the sad, sad truth.

on a funnier note,

a friend and I were in Save-A-Lot earlier this week and were trying to decide between Tostidos brand tortilla chips or the Save-A-Lot brand Senora Verde.

"We should probably just get the cheap Senora Verde kind, they probably taste the same," I said.

Without missing a beat, the employee stocking shelves next to me goes, "Hey. Senora isn't cheap - she may be easy, but she's certainly not cheap!"

I bust out laughing, pointed the chips at him, said "Touche," and walked away.

Oh, Save-A-Lot.

Monday, February 21, 2011

You're Supposed To Act All Impressed


He pretty much rules. His work is very versatile and inspiring. 

Silly Ad Dump

Oh yes, it's that time again...... for SILLY ADS. Silly ads are silly.

My credit score is.... :<

Who love Auto Insurance? This guy!!!

YEAH!!! Wait... what?

OH thank god! Lola wants to be my friend!!! 


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Shenanigans on Baltimore public transportation

So today.. let me preface this story by saying that it was not cold temperature-wise, but the wind-chill factor made it FREEZING.

So there was this kid sitting on the light rail wearing only a tee-shirt. The guy behind him, this skinny, wiry-looking white guy (who is listening to loud rap music on his cell phone speaker), starts picking on him for not wearing enough clothes.

"Hey man, didn't you bother to check the weather before going out of your house? It's a little cold for that, don't you think?" Etc.

The guy sitting across from him takes a break from putting his black hoodie over his face and staring creepily at me and proceeds to ream him out for talking so rudely.

"Don't be a dick, why you gotta be a dick, leave him alone, if he was my son I would kick your ass," etcetera.

Jess and I just look at each other, trying really hard not to laugh. They keep up this pathetic fight in slurred, inarticulate sentences while the poor kid sits in between them, obviously really uncomfortable.

"I wasn't being a dick, was I?" the guy asks.
"No, but leave me out of it." The kid responds.

Black hoodie guy gets off in Mount Washington, and as soon as he leaves the train, the first guy starts waxing poetic about how black hoodie guy was lucky that he "caught him on a good day, in a good mood, otherwise he'd beat him up with a knife, he wouldn't even make it off the train."

True gems such as: "Spoken by a true addict, junkie mu'fucker. Junkie mu'fuckers like him, I'm glad they're junkies, let 'em all fuckin' die, they're all fuckin' bitches, the world don't need no more bitches, they just suck the system dry until it's gone."

He then leaves his seat and walks into the empty front of the car, where he grabs the standing bars and proceeds to do pull-ups furiously while still yelling about the "Addict mu'fucker, who is he to tell me what to do, he's lucky I'm in a good mood, he's real lucky."

He continues to shout furiously about junkie mu'fuckers at this poor sweaterless kid and stomp around until he gets off at his stop. As soon as he leaves, Jess Sam and I burst into laughter. Too funny.

And then, as soon as we think the shenanigans are over, a voice comes on the PA system and tells us, "Because the trains are so behind schedule, we have to ask you to get off this train and wait for the next car." So we are thrust back out into the blasting cold wind for another 10 minutes, shivering and huddling for warmth. (and using Sam as a wind breaker!)

And then there was a coke bottle full of frothy piss rolling around on the car floor of the next train.