Thursday, October 29, 2009

Today in Homosexuality and Civilization we learned that in England, you could get sentenced to life in jail for sodomy until 1965. And in America, there were still sodomy laws and people getting arrested for sodomy until 2003. They didn't get rid of them until two-thousand-and-three. That greatly disturbs me. Really greatly.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Some things from around the interwebs....

America's 25 Douchiest Colleges.

Liz just reawakened my hatred for Linkin Park.

and... this is HILARIOUS!!!! "literal version" of possibly the cheesiest music video ever made.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I had another vivid dream last night. I dreamt I had another baby. It came as a semi-surprise to me because I had sort of forgotten that I was pregnant because I barely showed or had any symptoms or anything. In my dream I was seeing some guy, but I was desperately not over Elle. So I had the baby - someone (I think it was my mother) laid on top of me to help push it out. It didn't hurt, but I could feel it coming out of there, and I was physically pushing really hard. Then someone cut the umbilical cord with a pair of scissors but it was connected to my bellybutton as well as the baby's so it just laid there on my stomach (TMI, I know.)
well, I guess my boyfriend forgot that was going to happen, or I forgot to tell him, but I was pretty sure I remembered to tell him. But I staggered to the doorway with my newborn baby in my hands, and he looked up, a look of shock and disgust and betrayal on his face. I was standing there in the doorway desperately sobbing, and he grabbed some of his things and left and wouldn't talk to me. I was freaking out and sobbing and wondering what I was going to do with this baby because I couldn't keep it because I was too young and part of me wanted to keep it but most of me wanted to give it away. Someone took me to the adoption agency room but I hesitated, couldn't do it outright, had to think it out in my head some more.
So I went to go find Elle. She was in her room, and I was so happy and relieved to see her, and she helped me with the baby situation. She was talking to her residents, and when I came in holding a baby her eyes got all wide and she politely excused herself and told her residents to leave. I can't remember exactly what happened. But we were back together and that was the happiest I was in the entire dream.

It was really sad. Most of the dream consisted of me crying. Really hard, saying I am too young to take care of a baby. I woke up and was still residual sad.

Monday, October 19, 2009

also: nothing makes me more angry than uneducated arguments. People who are angry and arguing just to be arguing. Or people who are so blindsided by one argument that they won't listen to the other side. There's always more than one side to something. Idealists. pure politics or ideals without being realistic or rational. like anarchists. people who are into something because it is convenient for them. Identity tourists.

honk hooooonkkkkkkkkk

I find it so interesting that we have these triggers that fill us with completely unreasonable incandescent rage. Did something happen when we were children to make us feel this way, or is it part of our personality, who knows.

Mine is when people honk their horns in their cars. Now, I'm a pretty non-confrontational person when something is annoying me. But, the other day, right outside my window, this guy started leaning on his horn. Like, really leaning on it nonstop for about 2 minutes. Which doesn't sound like a lot but when it's a REALLY LOUD HORN it's forever. I got so angry that I threw open my window and yelled SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU THINK PEOPLE DON'T LIVE HERE!??!?!?
I don't think he heard me but I was really unreasonably angry about it. I fumed about it to Allison for like 10 minutes after, like "motherfuckers don't think people live here and can't hear it, bla bla bla so rude and pointlessly obnoxious," etc etc, and it still makes me angry even thinking about it now.

We live on the corner of a very busy intersection, and I just can't seem to get over the amount of loud cars that pass by our windows. I'm guilty of this too, I guess, but people stop outside the intersection and we can hear the loud rap music in our apartment with the windows closed. The sirens probably bother me the most. A loud siren comes roaring down McMechen or Mount Royal pretty much every few hours every day, and it always unsettles me for a good while every time. Firetrucks and ambulances have the absolute loudest and most obnoxious horns in existence, and apparently people in Baltimore have forgotten the protocol for pulling over for firetrucks and ambulances, so they just leeeeean on their horns. So, in addition to the sound of sirens raping my eardrums, there's the added HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKKKK of the firetrucks. So, lovely.

Did I mention that I really, really, really, really hate car horns? Especially when people do it just to be obnoxious, and it's not just a perfunctory "hey, buddy, you're about to crash into me" kind of thing. That's one of the things that bothers me about east coast cities. People don't know how to drive.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless restless!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

note to self:

it's okay to make bad art sometimes it's okay to make bad art sometimes it's okay to make bad art sometimes it's okay to make bad art sometimes it's okay to make bad art sometimes it's okay to make bad art sometimes IT'S OKAY TO MAKE BAD ART SOMETIMES IT'S OKAY TO MAKE BAD ART SOMETIMES IT'S OKAY TO MAKE BAD ART SOMETIMES IT'S OKAY TO MAKE BAD ART SOMETIMES IT'S OKAY TO MAKE BAD ART SOMETIMES IT'S OKAY TO MAKE BAD ART SOMETIMES IT'S OKAY TO MAKE BAD ART SOMETIMESAAAAUGHRGHRGHRGHGRguiohsdfgoijs;dfbl;kjdfgpo;iuhasdf;jkasdfkjhasdfliuhdfgoijafg


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Illustration is hard. Whiney whine whine.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


okay Baltimore.

also: Funny times at the Inner harbor today...

1. Comic-con = freaks in costumes
2. Ravens gave = giant sea of purple and black
3. Zombie walk - gaggles of random zombies stumbling around going urrrg... brains......

comicon+ravens+zombie = lol.

ALSO: bought a pretty sweet print from This guy. John Tyler Christopher.. it's worth checking out! Very inspired by Mucha and Rembrandt.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Heheeeeeeeee. I just dreamt my Jewish friend couldn't eat anything at the cafeteria because it wasn't kosher, so he got an alternative called "Donai Dollars" instead of "Dining Dollars."

Then I woke up and Elle was sitting next to me, and I said "Can he really do that??????"
and she said "huh??"

Silly. It's interesting when you confuse dreams with reality.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I had another very strange dream last night.

The first part was me and a group of friends being the sneaky tea society and going around and setting the whole thing up (it involved booths and signs) and surprising everyone. Like they would all get all sad because they thought that it wasn't happening then they would discover it and be happy.
But that's not the important part.

In the later part of my dream, I was approached by a girl I know (who is one of the sunniest people I know) with plans to kill herself. She looked so sad and defeated as she pulled out her plans for suicide (she made a plan with reference photos and everything). She convinced her friends to do it with her, and their plan was to commit some kind of ritual suicide (I can't remember exactly how) while acting as the Fates or the Furies (I can't remember which one, but they both seem pretty relevant). She showed me photos of girls dressed up in fancy, goddess-like outfits against a swirled gold background. The dresses were floaty and dark colors - generally dark blue and green with slightly lighter looping circles and they wore gold belts around their waists. They sat faced away from the camera, towards the wall behind them, their legs out daintily and their hands resting on their knees. It was just so weird that her plans for suicide were so dramatic and elegant. And that she convinced to friends to do it with her.

So I had to talk her out of it. I don't remember exactly how I did it, but I managed to somehow with a lot of convincing, then told her to go home and relax and take the day off from work, and that I could cover her.

Then Elle came up to me and was like "Where is she going?"
And I Replied, still shaken, I sent her home to relax because she told me she was going to kill herself."
and she replied with a knowledgeable nod and look. "That poor girl," she said.

It was strange and pretty sad.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Some very funny things happened.

Some stranger ran by us with a slice of pizza in his hand going "free pizza!" and ran down the street and turned the corner
then 10 seconds later another stranger ran by us saying "I'm gonna beat that fag"
and chased him around the corner.
10 minutes later, we see him with his friends, red stuff (blood or sauce?) on his shirt, getting into a cab.

Then a group of drunk black guys walked by and told us that we needed a little BARACK in our lives, HUSSEIN O-BAMA, and proceeded to tell us that if we want them to fuck us, we need to "lysol that shit." lolz fell's point.

and Elle's friend Melanie was at the arcade game contemplating playing it and this random drunk stranger handed her 50 cents, adamant that she plays it, repeating that it's so throwback to the "80s or 70s or whatever".

lolz fell's point on a friday night at 2am.

on a different note, the sky tonight is not a muddy orange, or a bruised purple, but a deep, brilliant blue. That's a good sign for something, right?