Wednesday, December 30, 2009

However.. Steering away from the negative.. here are some fun things (time-wasters) to read or watch that actually require brain cells to look at! (actually, not really. But I find then interesting and/or funny.)

Sarah Haskins in Target Women (best videoblog possibly ever)
Can't ever resist Oddee. So... many... lists... it's kind of like - also very addictive
The fashion police. Because it's me. Shush.
Momversation - I think this is fascinating. Because I'm weird.
ALSO: caitlin showed me this HILARIOUS video. sooo gooodd hhahaha

I haven't written on this thing for a while.
Let's get this straight. Baltimore and I are in a rather rocky relationship. But California and I are also in a little bit of a rocky situation too.
I love California. I love being in California. I love looking and driving in California and seeing the mountains, and the palm trees and the beaches. Too bad the only person I really want to see is all the way on the other side of the country (what feels like the whole planet).
Woe is me.

TOO much lol?

I was lounging around in my room earlier this afternoon, and a question popped into my head: How many lolblogs do you think there are on the internet (interwebz, intertubez)? I decided I would try to find all the lol-type blogs on the interwebz.
Well, after researching a little, I have lost quite a few braincells and found a mind-boggling amount of lols, lolz, lulz, lals, and lawls. Dere iz soooo much stufz on da intewebzz its awesum!!!! I cud just sit heere all dai!!! and git marbidly obeese!!!! but at leest de katz, goggies, hawses, carz, celebriteez, politikz, kakez, tatooz, googlez, GRAPHZ,SIGNZ,BABIEZ,FOODZ,ANIMALZ,COMIX,WEDDINGZ, r funni!!!!!! U mite sai Hee-laryus!!!

Without further ado:
loldogs, too
lolcelebrities? roflrazzi (barf)
lol.. ..uh... political news? and an impostor (loliticz? really?)
lol famous art (i know)

and then this spawned the zillions and squillions of "doesn't-say-lol-but-lol-is-implied" (and usually sans-obnoxious misspelled words in Impact) websites. Usually has something to do with "fail" or "win" or "epic fail" or "epic win" or "super epic fail win" or "for the win" "fin eail win fail super epic win epic fail win" or "AAAAGGGHHHH" (or maybe that's just me)
for instance:
the ever-present failblog
Fark (weird and quotable news?) or Probably Bad News
There, I fixed it (epic kludges)
Cake wrecks (terrible cakes)
God hates protesters (one of my personal favorites)
regretsy (definitely one of my favorites)
pwned on camera (still kind of a mystery to as what this is really about.. hawtness?)
Emails from crazy people (ok.. I love this one, I admit it)
not as described (lol ads apparently)
of course, the epic win
Graph jam - although those are actually pretty funny.
poorly dressed (photos of ugly people and ugly clothes.... wow, that's original.)
Engrish funny (as if there isn't already an
Wedinator ("funny" weddings)
Comixed ("funny" comics from popular photos)
Can't forget... My first fail for baby exploitation at it's finest
Acting like animals (animals..... acting like animals.)
Babysaur (still don't really know what this thing's about.. didn't care enough to read it)
Daily Squee (Allison's #1 fave website of course other than )
Epicute.. the cute food blog. I am pretty sure there is a cute "everything" by now.
Totally looks like - funny look-alikes
Nostalgia - also known as "once upon a win" -sob- goodbye childhood...
Om Nom Nom Nom ....dotcom
Awkward Family Photos.... how could I forget this one!
aaand... Sketchy Santas!

I think if i ever heard anyone actually say the word "squee" I might implode.

And then...... can't forget the ones where you can read little minutiae about people's lives!!!!!!!!
lmylife (try and guess what that one is)
My life is so many things.......
it made my day (little moments of win - ugh-)

and of course....

the most terrifying of them all......

and then I went Hughhhh! Arrghhhh! BlrarhaghhhHHhhHblubglubkjadfh

and then I drowned in blogs and had to stop cause I started feeling a little nauseous. I also started feeling like this guy:

ick. I also came upon this site of terrifying internet memes (mostly from 4chan, of course, that SUPER EVIL internet hate machine full of super-hackers on steroids.)

However, if you clicked on all those blogs, I feel sorry for you - I mean - cough - good going. And if you're seduced by all the lulz, there's always the lolMart. The list is to be continued when I recover from my lolventures.