I don't know why I have to always be contrarian. I was perfectly fine with bullshit art until I went to MICA. But it's all been totally thrown up in the air for some reason. Now I have this weird growing resentment against the whole thing.
Maybe it's me who's being pretentious, but as I dive deeper into the "art world" and art school and everything, the more I realize how much I hate art. Or rather, just fine art. It is completely pretentious and has no practical or applicable purpose... I don't know if this makes me a bad person but... I remember talking to someone in the beginning of the year and they told me
Maybe it's me who's being pretentious, but as I dive deeper into the "art world" and art school and everything, the more I realize how much I hate art. Or rather, just fine art. It is completely pretentious and has no practical or applicable purpose... I don't know if this makes me a bad person but... I remember talking to someone in the beginning of the year and they told me
"this might make me sound bad, but I just want to draw. I don't want to think deeply about my art, or help further the world, or meet a ton of new people, I just want to freaking draw. That's what I'm at this school for and that's all I'm going to do."
And I think i'm slowly coming to that kind of realization. I'm just so sick of "art." I just can't bring myself to be into it... it all seems unbearably silly to me.. and to steal smarter peoples' words, completely masturbatory.
Because really, deep down, who creates art without the intention of some people looking at it and praising it?
but that's just me I guess. Art is therapeutic for some people, I just must not get it.
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