The wind though, the wind I like. It also reminds me of home, the windstorms, the ficus tree in our backyard that blew over that one time.
Friday, February 26, 2010
I just made the mistake of looking at my house and street on google street view while I am sitting here in the fox building with snow and wind whipping and whining and whistling through cracks in the windows and around the outside. Just sitting here cause it's cold and blustery outside and I don't want to walk back to my apartment. I'm so done with the snow and cold. It was novel and exciting the first three times it happened but now it's just an inconvenience.
I... I... I have something to admit.
I'm a total photography groupie/wannabe.
I love being a total doofus amateur and just dicking around and taking pictures of everything.
my family calls me and my grandpa the paparazzi. It's kind of embarrassing, seeing as I'm dating an actual photographer.
I also have a little bit of a fibers hard-on. (Sam's word, not mine)
I really really really really really want to take garment design and learn how to make my own clothes but that means I have to take intro to fibers and that means I have to deal with the mean and condescending fibers people more than necessary. And I'm also way too incompetent to D-I-Y it. Even I can recognize that.
...well anyway. My allegiance to the Illustration department is (wavering) but still there.
I should probably go back to painting obnoxiously cute puppies and kittens now.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
This thought was just floating around in my mind lately... I know this isn't a new thing at all but it's pretty depressing how I keep seeing celebrities that used to be kind of cute/quirky/outlandish/weird/etc but now society and the media and even us as viewers or listeners or what-have-you have pretty much pushed, prodded and pressured them to shape and mold themselves until they've ironed out every little kink and are just picture-perfect. Then, all the magazines and celebrity news barf shows try to sell them as the "Hollywood success story - how I got thin/pretty/fashionable/normal!!!"
like Kelly Osbourne, for example... she always kinda showing up to things and walking around wearing kind of bizarre clothes, weird hair, total drug addict, yeah, she was kind of chubby or whatever, but she didn't really seem to give a shit about any of it.

ka-whaaa? Who is that and what have you done with Kelly Osbourne??
It's really sad - especially in this article, where she says "I took more hell for being fat than I did for being an absolute raging drug addict. I will never understand that." Cool, America... good to know where our real priorities are. Now, Kelly Osbourne is pretty obnoxious and has never been someone that I would say is important or should be a role model for anyone.... but still, she's a human being. And no one should have people leaning out of their car windows and screaming "you're fat!" at them.
I guess on that note... same goes for Susan Boyle...
Everyone was basically like "lolomgwtf wow you can't be famous looking like a hag like that so we're going to make you over and put you in some expensive designer clothes, cut your hair and make you look more hip and mysteeeeerious!"
like so:
and don't even get me started on how everyone was like "lolomgwtf she's ugly so she must be bad at singing!!!!!!!" and then were just soo shocked when she gasp! had talent and was a great singer.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
here is a list of things that I HATE WITH A FIERY PASSION OF A THOUSAND SUNS that have been happening a lot lately:
1. Getting shocked. Apparently, full carpeting + winter = getting shocked on EVERYTHING. I hate it!!! Sometimes elle will lean over to give me an eskimo kiss and our noses will shock each other! grr!
2. Sirens. Shitloads of snow + idiot impatient drivers = muchos sirens. I also found out why our corner is so firetruck and ambulance active: a.) we live right across the street from a retirement apartment complex. b.) There is a firehouse on our street that I did not know about. Whoopee, who knew.
3. Our doorbell. I hate that thing with a fiery flaming passion - maybe even more than the previous two things. It is so fucking loud and shrill that it makes me (and all my roommates) jump a thousand feet and shriek almost every time it rings. And people have still not grasped this fact that is is the demon seed doorbell from hell and liberally apply the doorbell-pressing. And it makes me want to slam the door in the face of whoever it is waiting out front.
You know what else I hate? Being up doing master copy drawings at 4am. But I have no one to blame for that but myself. Bummer.
I hate poetry.
I hate cold sores.
I hate yappy dogs.
I hate the word vagina.
I hate the Sargent portrait staring at me from across the room going "noooo... how could you butcher me like thissssss wahh"
but I love Sargent. A lotttttt. Especially his charcoal portraits.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
for the lulz
I saw a porn once where the main character was wearing this stripy shirt, and it looked really familiar. I realized that I have the exact same one hanging in my closet right now. Apparently I have the same clothing taste as an office lesbian dominatrix - Good sign or bad??
Monday, February 8, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Shameless Plug Time
I have joined the Tumblr universe. Ahh, yet another thing to waste time on. But it's more convenient for posting and finding fun pictures and links and interweb-type things, so what-ever. Follow me there, too!
woooo!!! I'll be posting more updated work soon on my art blog :)
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