Something I thought about while I was printing yesterday:
The 6 stages of American/European/christian dealings with cultures other than their own:
"discovery" - funny, the thought that you can "discover" a culture that was probably there long before you.
misunderstanding - seeing that someone else's culture is different from yours, and not understanding why they do things differently or don't do the things you do.
disgust/fear - not understanding why people don't do the things you do, and hating and fearing them for not doing things the way you do; considering their culture and way of living inferior to yours, or a threat to yours.
oppression/eradication - turning that misunderstanding and hatred into a frenzy of destruction or "conversion"- either trying to convert people to your "side" so you can understand them within your context or just wiping them out entirely.
acceptance - eventually a few people see through the hatred and misunderstanding and realize that their treatment of other people has been unfair. They feel guilty and being to tolerate or sometimes even accept that certain culture (while often fearing a different one)
re-appropriation/bastardization - eventually this acceptance or tolerance filters down and becomes more engrained, until they think that it is acceptable behavior to adopt, change and mock these cultures.
e.g. THIS
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Just rediscovered my favorite song from when I was 15:
Seventeen and stung out
on confusion
Trapped inside a roll of
I found out what it takes
to be a man
No, Mom and Dad will never
Secrets collecting dust
but never forget
Skeletons come to
life in my closet
I found out what it takes
to be a man
Mom and Dad will never
What's happening to me
Seventeen and COMING CLEAN
for the first time
I finally figured out myself
for the first time
I found out what it takes
to be a man
Mom and dad will never
What happened to me
Seventeen and stung out
on confusion
Trapped inside a roll of
I found out what it takes
to be a man
No, Mom and Dad will never
Secrets collecting dust
but never forget
Skeletons come to
life in my closet
I found out what it takes
to be a man
Mom and Dad will never
What's happening to me
Seventeen and COMING CLEAN
for the first time
I finally figured out myself
for the first time
I found out what it takes
to be a man
Mom and dad will never
What happened to me
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monosodium glutawhat?
I wonder what it says about me that I will still eat cheap ramen even though I know for a fact that it contains monosodium glutamate and a ridiculously high amount of just regular old sodium.
The bowl is just sitting there on the floor looking at me. An oily film forms on the top and the rest of the chemically manufactured "beef flavor" sifts to the bottom with chunks of over-saturated noodle, while the rest sinks to the bottom of my stomach.
I think that bowl is clearly trying to say:
"you are sitting on your fat ass on the couch eating lukewarm chicken nuggets and straight up MSG in a pathetic attempt to feed yourself. If this were the wild, natural selection would surely have culled you by now."
Oh boy don't I feel great. I think I might have to give up ramen except for those certain drunken occasions in which the Normal crushing guilt and self-loathing I feel for eating it is virtually eliminated by the desire to ingest mass quantities of salt.
You could say the same for save-a-lot Mac 'n' cheese, but in reality I think the amount of times I have puked it has ruined it for me rather than the nutritional content.
I think what frightens me is to think that we all know that this stuff is horrible for our bodies and doesn't even taste that great and makes us feel bloated and queasy most of the time but we just don't care. That or we sort of care and are too lazy and apathetic to change the way we eat. It's all about convenience! Why cook a healthy meal when I can just heat up some water and dump in some dried noodles and powdered sauce?
Well, anyway. Enjoy your ramen.
The bowl is just sitting there on the floor looking at me. An oily film forms on the top and the rest of the chemically manufactured "beef flavor" sifts to the bottom with chunks of over-saturated noodle, while the rest sinks to the bottom of my stomach.
I think that bowl is clearly trying to say:
"you are sitting on your fat ass on the couch eating lukewarm chicken nuggets and straight up MSG in a pathetic attempt to feed yourself. If this were the wild, natural selection would surely have culled you by now."
Oh boy don't I feel great. I think I might have to give up ramen except for those certain drunken occasions in which the Normal crushing guilt and self-loathing I feel for eating it is virtually eliminated by the desire to ingest mass quantities of salt.
You could say the same for save-a-lot Mac 'n' cheese, but in reality I think the amount of times I have puked it has ruined it for me rather than the nutritional content.
I think what frightens me is to think that we all know that this stuff is horrible for our bodies and doesn't even taste that great and makes us feel bloated and queasy most of the time but we just don't care. That or we sort of care and are too lazy and apathetic to change the way we eat. It's all about convenience! Why cook a healthy meal when I can just heat up some water and dump in some dried noodles and powdered sauce?
Well, anyway. Enjoy your ramen.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I was reading this essay about how site-specific sculpture, both functional and literal, is a way for artists to escape the capitalist hold on art, or combat the "commodification of art." One critic even went so far as to say that traditional painting is "dead."
Let me just make one thing clear. Art as we (college students) know it is about making money. Our parents are paying money out of their asses not just for us to fuck around with as many materials as possible and have a great time expressing ourselves, but to develop a method or trade that will make us money in the long run and eventually pay back their investment.
Many times I have had to explain to people that the difference between painting and drawing and illustration is that illustration is a more "commercial." Well, I'm changing my mind about that definition. It's hypocritical to say that illustration and graphic design and photography are considered "new media" (in other words: LOW ART) because if you make art and sell it, you have become a commercial artist. Also, much of art costs money to make, so in the producing of art one is automatically contributing to the capitalist system.
Site-specific sculpture may have been a temporary break from the tradition of painting and the commodification of painting, but once it became a popular form of expression that made the artists a name and was printed in books and taught to young gullible artists and whatnot it is intrinsically modified to become a "commercial art."
So, I think it's arrogant to assume that just because someone didn't commission you to do a painting of their dog or whatever that your art is somehow above the capitalist free market. We're all just trying to survive, and if someone asked them to do a big sculpture for free, what would their response be? Hell to the no. These things cost money. Case in point.
Just a small thought I had.
Let me just make one thing clear. Art as we (college students) know it is about making money. Our parents are paying money out of their asses not just for us to fuck around with as many materials as possible and have a great time expressing ourselves, but to develop a method or trade that will make us money in the long run and eventually pay back their investment.
Many times I have had to explain to people that the difference between painting and drawing and illustration is that illustration is a more "commercial." Well, I'm changing my mind about that definition. It's hypocritical to say that illustration and graphic design and photography are considered "new media" (in other words: LOW ART) because if you make art and sell it, you have become a commercial artist. Also, much of art costs money to make, so in the producing of art one is automatically contributing to the capitalist system.
Site-specific sculpture may have been a temporary break from the tradition of painting and the commodification of painting, but once it became a popular form of expression that made the artists a name and was printed in books and taught to young gullible artists and whatnot it is intrinsically modified to become a "commercial art."
So, I think it's arrogant to assume that just because someone didn't commission you to do a painting of their dog or whatever that your art is somehow above the capitalist free market. We're all just trying to survive, and if someone asked them to do a big sculpture for free, what would their response be? Hell to the no. These things cost money. Case in point.
Just a small thought I had.
Friday, September 3, 2010
I was wondering. If all the stop signs and other street signs like "left turn yield to green light" or "pedestrians crossing" suddenly disappeared, would people keep stopping and being careful at intersections, or would they most likely be like "awesome I can go!!!" and just crash and die all the time?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I don't think there's anything I can say about the Prop 8 ruling that has already been said, but...
I have mixed feelings.
On one hand, I'm ecstatic that Prop 8 was overturned, but on the other hand I'm practically seeing red (with steam coming out of my ears, the whole shebang) about the responses I'm reading in the articles and in the newspapers.
I am hearing a lot of people whining about how the judge "overturned the will of the people" and "what's the point of voting anymore????" And it reeeeally makes me wonder if anyone bothers to read anything anymore. The fact is, I can't even begin to fathom the amount of hypocrisy I'm seeing. All these conservative and religious fanatics are complaining NOW, when this judicial system has been around for ages! They seemed to love it when it was working in their favor, but now they bitch and moan that it's unfair, blah blah blah. They all sound like a bunch of spoiled kids, you know the kind of sore loser who tries to call in a technicality after the game is over and won't let it go!
I feel like they all need to be sent back to 5th grade to do a little reading up on their American history. There is a reason that there are three branches of government and not one. The whole point of this system is to protect the minority groups from the majority - because the whole voting system is inherently flawed. How could minorities ever get any kind of rights in a voting system that favors the majority vote? Also, how could the minorities ever stand a chance when the majority are all spiteful, intolerant morons who are desperately clinging to "the way it used to be"? If the "will of the people" and the "voice of the majority" were really what had the final say in this country, black people would still be slaves, interracial marriage would still be illegal and women would still not be able to vote. There's this thing that they don't seem to understand called social reform and evolution. Societies and cultures never stay the same, we're always supposed to be moving forward and evolving to adapt to new times and new situations. This kind of thinking, this "conservative" thinking is what is going to make American culture stagnant and obsolete (not to mention making us the laughingstock of the world as even Mexico City allows gay marriage).
It's that simple. Just because a "majority" of people vote for something, that doesn't make it right - there's a reason that there are multiple political parties and not one, multiple religious views and not one, multiple types of people and not just one standard. We all balance each other out - and the Prop 8 supporters can't see that, they're just just wallowing in their sore-loser-dom and being unreasonably stubborn.
My dad and I were talking the other day, and he said something that really stuck with me - all of the Civil rights law advancements in our history all just been fighting and dislodging discriminatory laws that were already in place. We spend all this time protecting ourselves from our government, when it's supposed to be there to protect us. And now that the government is taking a step in the right direction to offer the protection it was supposed to give in the first place, all the narrow-minded people are trying to fight it back to the way it was. I didn't see them kicking up this much of a fuss when it was the NRA listening in to our phone calls, or any of the decisions Bush made about Iraq, but now that gays are allowed to marry they're acting like the sun is going to go out or the oceans are going to dry up or something. There are so many other things to focus on that are so much more important.
The whole issue just saddens me and leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. It saddens me that there are those people who are so narrow minded that they can't even see the whole picture - they just latch on to this idea and blindly hold onto it like a rabid animal, foaming at the mouth. It sickens me to see that people can't even begin to see or understand both sides of the issue - they truly think that their way is the only way and that anyone who thinks anything else is WRONG and SICK. I always try to hold some faith in humanity, but seeing these responses makes me lose my faith a little more every day. It sickens me even more to see that people don't even read the facts, they just make assumptions and make up hare-brained ideas and stick to them blindly. Like, for instance, the idiotic notion that this judge was a "radical homosexual" judge, or an "activist" judge?!? What kind of awesome denial must be going on in their heads that they don't even see that he was appointed by G.W. Bush! He is the REPUBLICAN placement! It's like they just skim over those words and go right to the accusations. Even the fact that they use "liberal" or "lib" is like a curse word is one of the saddest things of all. Although I guess that would be hypocritical, too, as me and friends have often ripped on republicans... hmm. I suppose the other worst part is that you can't argue with them. You can just never, ever win those arguments. Their main tactic is to take your words and twist them so they can use them against you and make you look/feel stupid to others, and in their mind they are right no matter what so you can just never win. It's infuriating.
ugh. there's so much more that could be said, but this is long enough. It's a happy day, but I still somehow can't seem to bring myself to be happy, because so many people are outraged for no (rational) reason and trying to bring us down. And I know that's exactly what they want.
I have mixed feelings.
On one hand, I'm ecstatic that Prop 8 was overturned, but on the other hand I'm practically seeing red (with steam coming out of my ears, the whole shebang) about the responses I'm reading in the articles and in the newspapers.
I am hearing a lot of people whining about how the judge "overturned the will of the people" and "what's the point of voting anymore????" And it reeeeally makes me wonder if anyone bothers to read anything anymore. The fact is, I can't even begin to fathom the amount of hypocrisy I'm seeing. All these conservative and religious fanatics are complaining NOW, when this judicial system has been around for ages! They seemed to love it when it was working in their favor, but now they bitch and moan that it's unfair, blah blah blah. They all sound like a bunch of spoiled kids, you know the kind of sore loser who tries to call in a technicality after the game is over and won't let it go!
I feel like they all need to be sent back to 5th grade to do a little reading up on their American history. There is a reason that there are three branches of government and not one. The whole point of this system is to protect the minority groups from the majority - because the whole voting system is inherently flawed. How could minorities ever get any kind of rights in a voting system that favors the majority vote? Also, how could the minorities ever stand a chance when the majority are all spiteful, intolerant morons who are desperately clinging to "the way it used to be"? If the "will of the people" and the "voice of the majority" were really what had the final say in this country, black people would still be slaves, interracial marriage would still be illegal and women would still not be able to vote. There's this thing that they don't seem to understand called social reform and evolution. Societies and cultures never stay the same, we're always supposed to be moving forward and evolving to adapt to new times and new situations. This kind of thinking, this "conservative" thinking is what is going to make American culture stagnant and obsolete (not to mention making us the laughingstock of the world as even Mexico City allows gay marriage).
It's that simple. Just because a "majority" of people vote for something, that doesn't make it right - there's a reason that there are multiple political parties and not one, multiple religious views and not one, multiple types of people and not just one standard. We all balance each other out - and the Prop 8 supporters can't see that, they're just just wallowing in their sore-loser-dom and being unreasonably stubborn.
My dad and I were talking the other day, and he said something that really stuck with me - all of the Civil rights law advancements in our history all just been fighting and dislodging discriminatory laws that were already in place. We spend all this time protecting ourselves from our government, when it's supposed to be there to protect us. And now that the government is taking a step in the right direction to offer the protection it was supposed to give in the first place, all the narrow-minded people are trying to fight it back to the way it was. I didn't see them kicking up this much of a fuss when it was the NRA listening in to our phone calls, or any of the decisions Bush made about Iraq, but now that gays are allowed to marry they're acting like the sun is going to go out or the oceans are going to dry up or something. There are so many other things to focus on that are so much more important.
The whole issue just saddens me and leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. It saddens me that there are those people who are so narrow minded that they can't even see the whole picture - they just latch on to this idea and blindly hold onto it like a rabid animal, foaming at the mouth. It sickens me to see that people can't even begin to see or understand both sides of the issue - they truly think that their way is the only way and that anyone who thinks anything else is WRONG and SICK. I always try to hold some faith in humanity, but seeing these responses makes me lose my faith a little more every day. It sickens me even more to see that people don't even read the facts, they just make assumptions and make up hare-brained ideas and stick to them blindly. Like, for instance, the idiotic notion that this judge was a "radical homosexual" judge, or an "activist" judge?!? What kind of awesome denial must be going on in their heads that they don't even see that he was appointed by G.W. Bush! He is the REPUBLICAN placement! It's like they just skim over those words and go right to the accusations. Even the fact that they use "liberal" or "lib" is like a curse word is one of the saddest things of all. Although I guess that would be hypocritical, too, as me and friends have often ripped on republicans... hmm. I suppose the other worst part is that you can't argue with them. You can just never, ever win those arguments. Their main tactic is to take your words and twist them so they can use them against you and make you look/feel stupid to others, and in their mind they are right no matter what so you can just never win. It's infuriating.
ugh. there's so much more that could be said, but this is long enough. It's a happy day, but I still somehow can't seem to bring myself to be happy, because so many people are outraged for no (rational) reason and trying to bring us down. And I know that's exactly what they want.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Things I Hate:
Two-way stop sign intersections

(I'm always paranoid that i'm not going to see someone coming through the intersection and crash and die)

(I mean what, she's a totally cool and original artist, not a media whore who makes irritating music, I don't know what you're talking about)
the words "audit", "transmittal" and "ingredients"

Wasting paper
Two-way stop sign intersections

(I'm always paranoid that i'm not going to see someone coming through the intersection and crash and die)

(I mean what, she's a totally cool and original artist, not a media whore who makes irritating music, I don't know what you're talking about)
the words "audit", "transmittal" and "ingredients"

Wasting paper
(making pointless copies of copies of copies and throwing tons of paper in the trash every day makes me seriously hate myself.)
I'm in a great mood today!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I pre-ordered my iPhone 4 today!!!!! WooOooOoOooOOo it's coming around mid-July. Very Exciting.
On a different note, how would you explain an itch to someone who's never felt itchy before?
a phrase I enjoy: "cutting a check." It makes no sense, but it sounds very official and all that stuff.
a phrase I detest: "kick it." "kicking it" with someone. Although I guess "hanging out" makes just as much sense. But still.
On a different note, how would you explain an itch to someone who's never felt itchy before?
a phrase I enjoy: "cutting a check." It makes no sense, but it sounds very official and all that stuff.
a phrase I detest: "kick it." "kicking it" with someone. Although I guess "hanging out" makes just as much sense. But still.
Monday, June 7, 2010
A tech geek I am not but.....
iPhone 4 revealed today!!!! I'm more excited than I should be..
iPhone 4 revealed today!!!! I'm more excited than I should be..
tell me that's not super exciting.
well... I mean I can be excited because my current iPhone is still from the first generation and is therefore seriously outdated and slow.
...and it also kind of looks like someone stomped on it in a stiletto heel... or, you know, dropped it on a concrete floor (I would never do something like that of course.... cough) and I'm kind of tired of talking on speakerphone or tilting my head towards the floor when I talk on the phone 'cause I'm scared of getting little glass shards in my ear.
poor sad iPhone.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Sandy Point
Here are some pictures I took at Sandy Point state park in Annapolis... sometime this semester when it started to get warm :) It was a beautiful sunset!

More pictures of other exciting adventures to come!
cool tall grass!
A beautiful picture of a beautiful girl! I can take good pictures sometimes, who knew?
haha, who am i kidding, totally a fluke! I've got my little olympus film point-and-shoot from like '96 and it does all the work for me so I can run around with rolls of film and pretend (wish) I was a photographer ;).
Plus, not like I had to work to make Elle or the beach at sunset look beautiful! That sky was amazing and mesmerizing, with those streaky clouds.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Why hello, summer! How I've missed you.
Happy to be home, where I can lay in glorious sunlight with cats.
Happy to see my family and have a nice big bed to sleep in (also with cats - cats make everything better).
Happy to not have to deal with school for a good three and a half months.
Trying to figure out what to do with myself now, as school self was not on top of life. Like at all.
Trying really hard not to think about the fact that my favorite human of all time is 3000 miles away from me.
Also trying not to think about the fact that I'm now going to be a junior in college, and that my twentieth birthday is in almost exactly 2 months.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
I keep doing this thing where I start to use a colloquialism or phrase, then after I repeat it to myself a few times, it doesn't make any sense anymore. Then I get all confused, and have to say something else cause I'm not sure if the phrase I was going to use was the right one. Sigh. I think finals is having a toll on my brain.
Especially since I had to distract myself by watching Bring It On. Sigh again. I haven't seen that movie in so long, and it was so much more ridiculous this time around. Like, when I was younger, I never thought about the fact that the uppity cheerleader girls call the Hardcore girl a "uberdyke" because she has braids and wears jeans with chains on them. wow.
Especially since I had to distract myself by watching Bring It On. Sigh again. I haven't seen that movie in so long, and it was so much more ridiculous this time around. Like, when I was younger, I never thought about the fact that the uppity cheerleader girls call the Hardcore girl a "uberdyke" because she has braids and wears jeans with chains on them. wow.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I just want to sleep. Hibernate through the rest of the semester. There's so much to do, and not enough time to do it. So... Close...
this is how I feel right now:
this is how I feel right now:
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
fljsdhflkasdfad;fkajsdf;oiadurglkjhcnvxkbxcv,mnbzdlfguhseliurtyw4p5896708457t9we8rghjdfhvmnx mncbvljzhripteuytbowiueynoiuernvkjlsdfgjksdfg jskvhtiwuoe5ywo48576w895uylkweirtn;oq3umq394ku5p98w5ympeoimryinoubshrtoy89s5p069u4n3o5v87yentiyhseijtlskhgvap9wpub90se5y8ns0e59uyapw49tibemrijlbdnrliusijrvaeoirijmldkrjhlsdkjnisudno;ierjnsiuerhnyawuethnyaoeirjymisuerhtpoiwerantviuwgptniehrtiohnpiertimejrbtdrtunsrkljthaepirbomrtjpoigahevwioyebipstuaeytvanpieytnpiueyabnieputvyapiortunbsiprutymn hiousiravwouvnwiotbrsmypsntuvpawynptiao;ruesyrtun. adslkfjhasdfjklhasdfkjlahsdfahs;df;.asldfjkhasdfkjlhasdflkjhasdfasdf.alskdfjhasdfjka.asdlkfjhasdf.
I am trying to write a paper but that is about all I'm intellectually capable of writing at the moment. Fuckkkkk.
I am trying to write a paper but that is about all I'm intellectually capable of writing at the moment. Fuckkkkk.
Facebook understands me.
Thanks but no thanks, PaperMoz. Unless you could compare and contrast Henri Rousseau's Football Players and Umberto Boccioni's Dynamism of a Soccer Player.
That's what I thought.
Spring break is so soon.
sooooo sooooooonnnnnnnnnn.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
I just made the mistake of looking at my house and street on google street view while I am sitting here in the fox building with snow and wind whipping and whining and whistling through cracks in the windows and around the outside. Just sitting here cause it's cold and blustery outside and I don't want to walk back to my apartment. I'm so done with the snow and cold. It was novel and exciting the first three times it happened but now it's just an inconvenience.
The wind though, the wind I like. It also reminds me of home, the windstorms, the ficus tree in our backyard that blew over that one time.
I... I... I have something to admit.
I'm a total photography groupie/wannabe.
I love being a total doofus amateur and just dicking around and taking pictures of everything.
my family calls me and my grandpa the paparazzi. It's kind of embarrassing, seeing as I'm dating an actual photographer.
I also have a little bit of a fibers hard-on. (Sam's word, not mine)
I really really really really really want to take garment design and learn how to make my own clothes but that means I have to take intro to fibers and that means I have to deal with the mean and condescending fibers people more than necessary. And I'm also way too incompetent to D-I-Y it. Even I can recognize that.
...well anyway. My allegiance to the Illustration department is (wavering) but still there.
I should probably go back to painting obnoxiously cute puppies and kittens now.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
This thought was just floating around in my mind lately... I know this isn't a new thing at all but it's pretty depressing how I keep seeing celebrities that used to be kind of cute/quirky/outlandish/weird/etc but now society and the media and even us as viewers or listeners or what-have-you have pretty much pushed, prodded and pressured them to shape and mold themselves until they've ironed out every little kink and are just picture-perfect. Then, all the magazines and celebrity news barf shows try to sell them as the "Hollywood success story - how I got thin/pretty/fashionable/normal!!!"
like Kelly Osbourne, for example... she always kinda showing up to things and walking around wearing kind of bizarre clothes, weird hair, total drug addict, yeah, she was kind of chubby or whatever, but she didn't really seem to give a shit about any of it.

ka-whaaa? Who is that and what have you done with Kelly Osbourne??
It's really sad - especially in this article, where she says "I took more hell for being fat than I did for being an absolute raging drug addict. I will never understand that." Cool, America... good to know where our real priorities are. Now, Kelly Osbourne is pretty obnoxious and has never been someone that I would say is important or should be a role model for anyone.... but still, she's a human being. And no one should have people leaning out of their car windows and screaming "you're fat!" at them.
I guess on that note... same goes for Susan Boyle...
Everyone was basically like "lolomgwtf wow you can't be famous looking like a hag like that so we're going to make you over and put you in some expensive designer clothes, cut your hair and make you look more hip and mysteeeeerious!"
like so:
and don't even get me started on how everyone was like "lolomgwtf she's ugly so she must be bad at singing!!!!!!!" and then were just soo shocked when she gasp! had talent and was a great singer.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
here is a list of things that I HATE WITH A FIERY PASSION OF A THOUSAND SUNS that have been happening a lot lately:
1. Getting shocked. Apparently, full carpeting + winter = getting shocked on EVERYTHING. I hate it!!! Sometimes elle will lean over to give me an eskimo kiss and our noses will shock each other! grr!
2. Sirens. Shitloads of snow + idiot impatient drivers = muchos sirens. I also found out why our corner is so firetruck and ambulance active: a.) we live right across the street from a retirement apartment complex. b.) There is a firehouse on our street that I did not know about. Whoopee, who knew.
3. Our doorbell. I hate that thing with a fiery flaming passion - maybe even more than the previous two things. It is so fucking loud and shrill that it makes me (and all my roommates) jump a thousand feet and shriek almost every time it rings. And people have still not grasped this fact that is is the demon seed doorbell from hell and liberally apply the doorbell-pressing. And it makes me want to slam the door in the face of whoever it is waiting out front.
You know what else I hate? Being up doing master copy drawings at 4am. But I have no one to blame for that but myself. Bummer.
I hate poetry.
I hate cold sores.
I hate yappy dogs.
I hate the word vagina.
I hate the Sargent portrait staring at me from across the room going "noooo... how could you butcher me like thissssss wahh"
but I love Sargent. A lotttttt. Especially his charcoal portraits.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
for the lulz
I saw a porn once where the main character was wearing this stripy shirt, and it looked really familiar. I realized that I have the exact same one hanging in my closet right now. Apparently I have the same clothing taste as an office lesbian dominatrix - Good sign or bad??
Monday, February 8, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Shameless Plug Time
I have joined the Tumblr universe. Ahh, yet another thing to waste time on. But it's more convenient for posting and finding fun pictures and links and interweb-type things, so what-ever. Follow me there, too!
woooo!!! I'll be posting more updated work soon on my art blog :)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Oy vey
I had another dream that I had a baby. This time it wasn't tiny or anything but normal sized. I was sure I didn't want to keep it. When it came out I ripped it into a lot of tiny litle paper shreds, and they were made out of paper as if I made made a 3-dimensional paper doll. Then, i realized that I maybe did want it, so I frantically jiggled the tiny pieces of paper back into place and formed a living flesh baby again. I started getting really attached to it but kept losing it because when I saw my cat, the baby in my arms turned into the cat and the baby disappeared somewhere and I had to find it. I went on a trip with my cousin and realized that I hadn't asked someone to watch the baby (I name it Allison) and so I called my brother frantcally and no one had seen it. I then get a message a few hours later that the baby had found its way to the pool and drowned. I don't even know what to say about it.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Natural selection, hard at work. Oy Vey.
Why do Californians (and rich people) always think that they can somehow miraculously "save" their house from natural disasters? Is hosing down your house really going to stop a fire with 40-foot flames? Is a wall of sandbags really going to stop a river of mud sliding towards your house at speeds of up to 35 mph? All these people ever end up doing is wasting the money that the state has to spend sending firefighters and rescue crews to try and rescue them, while they could be spending their time doing other more worthwhile things like, oh, fighting fires. Plus, why should your house be more valuable to you than your life and the life of your family? If you don't feel like dealing with evacuations and natural disasters, maybe you shouldn't have gotten a fancy-schmancy expensive house in the mountains in the first place.
Shame on the parents with children (especially young children) who made that poor judgment call.
Plus Plus Plus...
I have something I have to get off my chest. (ha-ha)
I really can't decide if I like or resent this sort-of trend of 'Plus-size" models in magazines right now. On one hand, I am enjoying that they are showing more realistic-looking women, but labeling them "plus-sizes" when they are size 12s (and the average size of an American woman is 14) is pretty depressing. Also, the fact that magazines are all patting themselves on the back and pretty much saying "look! we have token fat girls! We're inclusive!!! Buy our magazine!!!" and the fact that they usually oversexualize the 'plus-size' models, putting them in lingerie and see-through things and having them pose naked also bothers me. The focus is so much on the actual body, all the "fat rolls" and other such "anomalies" that they seem to have forgotten that they're actually modeling clothes or other products. They even sometimes pose the models and direct the lighting so that it emphasizes their curves even more, trying to prove their self-promoting point. Crystal Renn puts it plainly:
""When designers and editors choose one fat girl to salivate over, and revel in her avoirdupois, I'm not sure how much it advances the cause of using girls of all sizes in a magazine,"
Well... on that note, if you couldn't tell, I am currently obsessed with: Crystal Renn

I think there's something really poignant in the fact that when Glamour posted the picture of the model sans-photoshop, with a little bit of (gasp!) belly-pooch and (gasp!!!!!!) meat on her thighs, the letters from women were overwhelmingly happy that finally someone showed a picture that was a realistic depiction of what a woman actually looks like.
My psychic powers are telling me that any negative notes sent in were all probably from (you guessed it) men. They complain that things like this are "glorifying obesity" and "not warning people of the health dangers of obesity" and other such bla-dee-bla-bla. Hysteria about obesity as if we're talking about Rosalie-fuckin'-Bradford here. Finding newer, not so sneakier ways to needle women about their weight guilt-free. You know, that's really rich, considering that the current fashion situation is glorifying dangerously skinny models that whittle themselves down until they collapse and die on the freakin' runway. So, they can take that and shove it up their asses, basically.
I try to think all this 'plus size' model stuff out, weight the positives against the negatives, but the one thing that my mind keeps going to is: 12 is plus size??!! are you serious?!? My pant size is 12+ and I do NOT, under any circumstances, consider myself plus-size, nor will I let a magazine and a ridiculous fashion industry tell me so. I want to be glad that there's media attention about normal-sized girls, but my mind keeps telling me that I'm slightly offended.
It's hard to put a finger on what I find offensive about all this hullabaloo.... The only way to describe it is: It's like, even though the magazines are being all "inclusive" or "diverse" or whatever they want to call it, it still feels like one giant backhanded compliment. Like, "we love you even though you're fat." As if after every punchy, glittery headline stating "plus size," or "diverse body types" or any other name for it, there's a little needling fashionista voice afterwards going "fat!" "fat!" "fat!" We love plus size ("fat!") models! This model is beautiful ("even though she's fat fat fat!") You get what I mean. Ugh. I think, seeing as the average american lady is a size 14, we shouldn't have to endure the indignity of being called a "diverse body type." Diverse? I'd say a size 00, 0 or 1 pant size is pretty freakin' diverse. How many people have you personally met who are a size 00? Right.
Well... on that note, if you couldn't tell, I am currently obsessed with: Crystal Renn
Here's a photoshoot with a skinny twit "straight-size model"
notice how Crystal Renn looks 100% hotter than the skinny girl in every single one. Hehe.
Also: I am in love with this Swimsuit Photoshoot.

Although I am aware that this looks like a pretty much direct rip-off of Rineke Dijkstra's Beach series:

No matter.
Uh oh, I'm being all FEMINIST again.. oops (that one's for you elle, heehee)
Then again, maybe I should stop tooling around on Jezebel and get to work.
Friday, January 15, 2010
when I had my permit and I was learning how to drive at Delta driving school, my instructor told me "You already drive like someone who has their license." I didn't know if that was a compliment or an insult, but I think i've realized that it's an insult.
as my brother says:
"Californians are laid back.... until you put them in a car."
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
ugh ugh ugh
I am trying to follow the coverage on the testimonies being given during the Prop. 8 trial, but every time I read a testimonial from people "protecting the sanctity of traditional marriage," I start steaming from the ears and have to stop in order to save my sanity.
I have nothing intelligent to say about the whole ridiculous issue (which should not even be a fucking issue in the first place) other than ARGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHASDJHSGDFJhIUYERTJKHASBDFKYUAGWEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whatever happened to the idea of the separation of church and state??? Has everyone completely lost their minds?!?!?
If you feel like following the ridiculous balderdash that is the conservative party:
Friday, January 8, 2010
So.. I was reading a copy of People magazine about how certain women stay "beautiful forever" and how women can be beautiful even as they age. Cool, I think. Finally something acknowledging that older women are something other than old hags. However, as I flipped through the magazine, I was looking through their lists (they have images of women in their 20s, 30s, 40s, etc) and I realized that all their lists stopped at the 50s. None of the lists of women mentioned anything about women over 60. They didn't even mention Meryl Streep!
I guess they should have retitled their article, "These celebrities are beautiful until they hit 60.... THEN they become old disgusting hags."
Thanks for that, People Magazine.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I'm pretty excited for next semester! My class schedule goes something like this:
Modernism, 1:00-3:45, Ellen Cutler
(most likely, still trying to get in) Intro to Creative Writing, 4:00-6:45, Paul Long.
Studio Drawing: Portrait, 9:00-3:00, Abby Sangiamo
Narrative Illustration, 8:30 (ew)-2:30, Fuqua
Homosexuality and Civilization II, 4:00-6:45, Margee Morrison
freeeeeeeee (buh admissions 8:30-4:30)
Illustration II, 9:00-3:00, Danamarie Hosler
shweet! Holler at me if we have any classes together.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
2010: A Cut Above The Rest
That was the motto for the Rose Parade this year. And I really reeally hope it's true, cause I think everyone agrees with me when I say we need it!
I painted my nails silver for the new year festivities. And Joan told me "Silver nails... I saw a movie where a girl had silver nails... oh, right, she was a prostitute."
I now possess ten hooker nails. And I am gosh dern proud of it.
Today was the most beautiful day, very appropriate for a start to a good year. (plus, there was a blue moon last night! Has to be some kind of omen.) The sky was a brilliant blue, with a few wispy clouds. The mountains, usually shrouded by smog, were in perfect clear view and I could see them all the way from south pasadena. They graced the sky on my drive back from Annabel's house and I sighed with a little bit of (bittersweet) happiness.
The sunset was magnificent! the entire sky was stained an orange-pink color, and the mountains looked as if someone had colored them in with an orange marker. So beautiful.
I tried to capture it on my phone, but it was difficult. I love how much I have come to appreciate the place I live since being gone. I just wish it wasn't so beautiful so I wouldn't miss it so much.
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