Advice from spam email:
"on the grounds of intersecting highways, join hands with your allies. [or perhaps, 'form allies with neighboring states.']"
Thank you, oh wise medical scammer.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I don't think there's anything I can say about the Prop 8 ruling that has already been said, but...
I have mixed feelings.
On one hand, I'm ecstatic that Prop 8 was overturned, but on the other hand I'm practically seeing red (with steam coming out of my ears, the whole shebang) about the responses I'm reading in the articles and in the newspapers.
I am hearing a lot of people whining about how the judge "overturned the will of the people" and "what's the point of voting anymore????" And it reeeeally makes me wonder if anyone bothers to read anything anymore. The fact is, I can't even begin to fathom the amount of hypocrisy I'm seeing. All these conservative and religious fanatics are complaining NOW, when this judicial system has been around for ages! They seemed to love it when it was working in their favor, but now they bitch and moan that it's unfair, blah blah blah. They all sound like a bunch of spoiled kids, you know the kind of sore loser who tries to call in a technicality after the game is over and won't let it go!
I feel like they all need to be sent back to 5th grade to do a little reading up on their American history. There is a reason that there are three branches of government and not one. The whole point of this system is to protect the minority groups from the majority - because the whole voting system is inherently flawed. How could minorities ever get any kind of rights in a voting system that favors the majority vote? Also, how could the minorities ever stand a chance when the majority are all spiteful, intolerant morons who are desperately clinging to "the way it used to be"? If the "will of the people" and the "voice of the majority" were really what had the final say in this country, black people would still be slaves, interracial marriage would still be illegal and women would still not be able to vote. There's this thing that they don't seem to understand called social reform and evolution. Societies and cultures never stay the same, we're always supposed to be moving forward and evolving to adapt to new times and new situations. This kind of thinking, this "conservative" thinking is what is going to make American culture stagnant and obsolete (not to mention making us the laughingstock of the world as even Mexico City allows gay marriage).
It's that simple. Just because a "majority" of people vote for something, that doesn't make it right - there's a reason that there are multiple political parties and not one, multiple religious views and not one, multiple types of people and not just one standard. We all balance each other out - and the Prop 8 supporters can't see that, they're just just wallowing in their sore-loser-dom and being unreasonably stubborn.
My dad and I were talking the other day, and he said something that really stuck with me - all of the Civil rights law advancements in our history all just been fighting and dislodging discriminatory laws that were already in place. We spend all this time protecting ourselves from our government, when it's supposed to be there to protect us. And now that the government is taking a step in the right direction to offer the protection it was supposed to give in the first place, all the narrow-minded people are trying to fight it back to the way it was. I didn't see them kicking up this much of a fuss when it was the NRA listening in to our phone calls, or any of the decisions Bush made about Iraq, but now that gays are allowed to marry they're acting like the sun is going to go out or the oceans are going to dry up or something. There are so many other things to focus on that are so much more important.
The whole issue just saddens me and leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. It saddens me that there are those people who are so narrow minded that they can't even see the whole picture - they just latch on to this idea and blindly hold onto it like a rabid animal, foaming at the mouth. It sickens me to see that people can't even begin to see or understand both sides of the issue - they truly think that their way is the only way and that anyone who thinks anything else is WRONG and SICK. I always try to hold some faith in humanity, but seeing these responses makes me lose my faith a little more every day. It sickens me even more to see that people don't even read the facts, they just make assumptions and make up hare-brained ideas and stick to them blindly. Like, for instance, the idiotic notion that this judge was a "radical homosexual" judge, or an "activist" judge?!? What kind of awesome denial must be going on in their heads that they don't even see that he was appointed by G.W. Bush! He is the REPUBLICAN placement! It's like they just skim over those words and go right to the accusations. Even the fact that they use "liberal" or "lib" is like a curse word is one of the saddest things of all. Although I guess that would be hypocritical, too, as me and friends have often ripped on republicans... hmm. I suppose the other worst part is that you can't argue with them. You can just never, ever win those arguments. Their main tactic is to take your words and twist them so they can use them against you and make you look/feel stupid to others, and in their mind they are right no matter what so you can just never win. It's infuriating.
ugh. there's so much more that could be said, but this is long enough. It's a happy day, but I still somehow can't seem to bring myself to be happy, because so many people are outraged for no (rational) reason and trying to bring us down. And I know that's exactly what they want.
I have mixed feelings.
On one hand, I'm ecstatic that Prop 8 was overturned, but on the other hand I'm practically seeing red (with steam coming out of my ears, the whole shebang) about the responses I'm reading in the articles and in the newspapers.
I am hearing a lot of people whining about how the judge "overturned the will of the people" and "what's the point of voting anymore????" And it reeeeally makes me wonder if anyone bothers to read anything anymore. The fact is, I can't even begin to fathom the amount of hypocrisy I'm seeing. All these conservative and religious fanatics are complaining NOW, when this judicial system has been around for ages! They seemed to love it when it was working in their favor, but now they bitch and moan that it's unfair, blah blah blah. They all sound like a bunch of spoiled kids, you know the kind of sore loser who tries to call in a technicality after the game is over and won't let it go!
I feel like they all need to be sent back to 5th grade to do a little reading up on their American history. There is a reason that there are three branches of government and not one. The whole point of this system is to protect the minority groups from the majority - because the whole voting system is inherently flawed. How could minorities ever get any kind of rights in a voting system that favors the majority vote? Also, how could the minorities ever stand a chance when the majority are all spiteful, intolerant morons who are desperately clinging to "the way it used to be"? If the "will of the people" and the "voice of the majority" were really what had the final say in this country, black people would still be slaves, interracial marriage would still be illegal and women would still not be able to vote. There's this thing that they don't seem to understand called social reform and evolution. Societies and cultures never stay the same, we're always supposed to be moving forward and evolving to adapt to new times and new situations. This kind of thinking, this "conservative" thinking is what is going to make American culture stagnant and obsolete (not to mention making us the laughingstock of the world as even Mexico City allows gay marriage).
It's that simple. Just because a "majority" of people vote for something, that doesn't make it right - there's a reason that there are multiple political parties and not one, multiple religious views and not one, multiple types of people and not just one standard. We all balance each other out - and the Prop 8 supporters can't see that, they're just just wallowing in their sore-loser-dom and being unreasonably stubborn.
My dad and I were talking the other day, and he said something that really stuck with me - all of the Civil rights law advancements in our history all just been fighting and dislodging discriminatory laws that were already in place. We spend all this time protecting ourselves from our government, when it's supposed to be there to protect us. And now that the government is taking a step in the right direction to offer the protection it was supposed to give in the first place, all the narrow-minded people are trying to fight it back to the way it was. I didn't see them kicking up this much of a fuss when it was the NRA listening in to our phone calls, or any of the decisions Bush made about Iraq, but now that gays are allowed to marry they're acting like the sun is going to go out or the oceans are going to dry up or something. There are so many other things to focus on that are so much more important.
The whole issue just saddens me and leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. It saddens me that there are those people who are so narrow minded that they can't even see the whole picture - they just latch on to this idea and blindly hold onto it like a rabid animal, foaming at the mouth. It sickens me to see that people can't even begin to see or understand both sides of the issue - they truly think that their way is the only way and that anyone who thinks anything else is WRONG and SICK. I always try to hold some faith in humanity, but seeing these responses makes me lose my faith a little more every day. It sickens me even more to see that people don't even read the facts, they just make assumptions and make up hare-brained ideas and stick to them blindly. Like, for instance, the idiotic notion that this judge was a "radical homosexual" judge, or an "activist" judge?!? What kind of awesome denial must be going on in their heads that they don't even see that he was appointed by G.W. Bush! He is the REPUBLICAN placement! It's like they just skim over those words and go right to the accusations. Even the fact that they use "liberal" or "lib" is like a curse word is one of the saddest things of all. Although I guess that would be hypocritical, too, as me and friends have often ripped on republicans... hmm. I suppose the other worst part is that you can't argue with them. You can just never, ever win those arguments. Their main tactic is to take your words and twist them so they can use them against you and make you look/feel stupid to others, and in their mind they are right no matter what so you can just never win. It's infuriating.
ugh. there's so much more that could be said, but this is long enough. It's a happy day, but I still somehow can't seem to bring myself to be happy, because so many people are outraged for no (rational) reason and trying to bring us down. And I know that's exactly what they want.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Things I Hate:
Two-way stop sign intersections

(I'm always paranoid that i'm not going to see someone coming through the intersection and crash and die)

(I mean what, she's a totally cool and original artist, not a media whore who makes irritating music, I don't know what you're talking about)
the words "audit", "transmittal" and "ingredients"

Wasting paper
Two-way stop sign intersections

(I'm always paranoid that i'm not going to see someone coming through the intersection and crash and die)

(I mean what, she's a totally cool and original artist, not a media whore who makes irritating music, I don't know what you're talking about)
the words "audit", "transmittal" and "ingredients"

Wasting paper
(making pointless copies of copies of copies and throwing tons of paper in the trash every day makes me seriously hate myself.)
I'm in a great mood today!
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